Wellbeing Tools with Fitter Future

Fitter Future fights childhood obesity and equips children with the tools to improve their emotional and mental wellbeing.

We work with schools and families by providing an online platform which offers a holistic approach to physical and mental well-being.

Our holistic approach to well-being ensures that schools look after the physical and mental well-being of children.

Fitter Future is created by teachers, tested by children and suitable for classes of any size.

Benefits include:
Maximise teaching time
Improve classroom performance
Increase pupil happiness
Holistic well-being from the class and home

Choose your programme below

Fitter Future: Be Mindful

A series of mindful moments that will ensure to improve a child’s emotional well-being.
Our ‘Be Mindful’ programme fits perfectly into the school day and additional PHSE / well-being lesson content is available:

Schools love Fitter Future: Be Mindful because it:
Supports the OFSTED framework for well-being
Improves emotional and mental well-being
Increases classroom concentration whilst decreasing  behavioural issues
Increases awareness of feelings and emotions of others
Is easy and fun to use
Provides data to prove impact and see which class is the most active
Gives children free home access, developing a sustainable culture of well-being

Book a free trial here

Fitter Future: Get Active

A series of 5 – 10 minute classroom based fitness workouts designed to fight childhood obesity. Short, and sharp activities perfect for mid lesson brain breaks or daily fitness

Schools love Fitter Future: Get Active because it:
Supports the OFSTED criteria for wellbeing
Increases classroom concentration and focus
Decreases behavioural issues in class
Improves self value
Improves resilience
Is three tier differentiated and offers data on usage
Is free to use from home for students

Book a free trial here